Entries by prof. Peter Fogarty

10 Uses of Photos In The ESL Classroom

Use magnetic copies of photos on the You can buy magnetic paper and print out a picture, along with their names of every child in the class. This is an excellent starting point as it has so many different uses. The first thing it could be used for is simple registration. When a child arrives, […]

The 4 important C’s of teaching

Teaching is all about preparing students for the future. The problem is that as technology and society progresses at such a rate, it is no longer possible to prepare students for individual careers. Today’s teachers need to prepare students for the a career which does not yet exist. This is where the 4 C’s come […]

Choosing Literacy Links

I love to collect links and find new websites. It is something of a passion for me. I am always looking for new ideas and new resources and I try to find links which I can then share with others. I recently found a really, really long list of different literacy links, which I have […]