Creativitatea în educație

Ce este creativitatea?

De ce ar trebui să fim creativi?

Cum putem fi noi, profesorii, mai creativi ți cum putem dezvolta gândirea creative a elevilor noștri?

Întrebări la care vă provoc să reflectați și să încercați să găsiți propriile răspunsuri și propriile motivații. Suntem noi, dascălii, cei ce avem privilegiu de a recunoaște, aprecia și încuraja diferite stiluri de creativitate, de a dezvolta gândirea critică, de a fi părtaș în luarea deciziilor elevilor cărora vrem să le deschidem orizonturi, să le creăm oportunități de a relaționa în feluri diferite.

Puteți explora o mulțime de idei despre creativitate și despre cum să aplicați aceste principii în procesul de predare-învățare, dând un simplu search pe google. Eu încerc să vin în ajutor cu un exemplu concret de activitate ce se poate desfășura la clasă, la ora de limbă engleză, dar care poate fi adaptată și pentru orice altă oră de comunicare. 


GRADE: 6th grade

LEVEL: 6th year of study;

THEME: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

TEACHER: Valentina Cristea


  • To develop creative thinking skills
  • To create a text with children in order to model writing strategies
  • To draft, edit and write contributions in a collaborative way
  • To express personal opinions
  • To show interest and respect for the others’ opinions
  • To develop visual literacy and awareness


At the end of the activity all students will:

  • read for details and arrange the texts in order
  • design a new room for the Chocolate Factory
  • express their own opinions and talk about rooms in a factory



–    describing rooms, factories, magic places;

  • reading and listening for details;
  • collaborating for the class activity;


TYPE OF LESSON: Communicative;


TYPES OF INTERACTION: teacher – student

                                                   student – student

                                                   student – teacher

 SKILLS: speaking






  • vocabulary related to rooms, magic, factories


– the students’ ability to present their work;

TEACHING AIDS:    CD player, laptop, books

  Pen and paper

TIME: 45 minutes.


LEAD IN – ORGANIZING THE CLASS:                                  Time: 3’

– the teacher enters the classroom and greets the students;
– the teacher asks the students  who is absent;
– the teacher prepares the materials for the class;

PRESENTATION: the students are told what the new lesson is about and what they are expected to do in class: Design a New Room for the Chocolate Factory based on “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl.


 ACTIVITY 1: Read and summarize                                                                                  Time: 10’

AIM: to read a text and check the understanding of the information;

OBJECTIVE: Ss will read for details, summarizing the text in pairs;

PROCEDURE: Children read a description of the Chocolate Room. They read and answer the T’s questions in order to check their comprehension.

INTERACTION: student – student; student – teacher;

ACTIVITY 2: Brainstorming & mind map                                                                        Time: 10’

AIM: to create a mind map; to collaborate to produce a text

OBJECTIVE: Ss will brainstorm ideas in order to design a new room;

PROCEDURE: T asks the children who have read the story if they can think of any of the other rooms in the factory. The T. together with the students brainstorm them and make a list of these on the board for the children to refer to later.


ACTIVITY 3:  Designing the room                                                                                      Time: 17’

AIM: to use the information to write structured paragraphs; to develop creative thinking

OBJECTIVE: Ss will write and design a new room

PROCEDURE: The children work in pairs, making up a new room for the chocolate factory, making sure that they are as descriptive as possible. They also draw the rooms.

INTERACTION: student – teacher; teacher – student;

INTERACTION: student – student;

FEED BACK:                                                                                                        Time: 5’

Ss express their opinions about the activity and about their colleagues’ projects.