Using the Internet for professional development

I have started to build up my professional development skills…

Using BlendSpace as an English Teaching Resource

I have found another teaching resource I really need to share…

Learning English with YouTube and the BBC

I have been exploring a number of different YouTube channels…

Teaching English with cross curriculum

It seems that every month, I am finding something new to get…

Cum să faci studiul limbilor străine atractiv pentru elevi

Dacă în postările mele anterioare am descris diverse jocuri…

Teaching Phonics To ESL students

The students in the second  term are now becoming more confident…

Content Based Learning Method

Scopul meu ca profesor, este de a crea o atmosferă care facilitează…


De la Martin Luther la Jacob Grimm În ultimele decenii…

How to use and share your teaching resources more effectively with other teachers and parents

This Christmas break I have been thinking long and hard about…

Cum să creezi situații de comunicare reale în orele de limbi străine

De multe ori, manualele ne oferă situații nerealiste prin care…

10 Great Teaching Strategies to get the most out of every student in every lesson by Peter Fogarty

These ideas are taken from this fabulous new teaching resource:…

Creativitatea în educație

Ce este creativitatea? De ce ar trebui să fim creativi? Cum…